This page will keep track of the changes made to new versions of the translation.
Initial Pre-Release
Version 0.998
This is the first pre-release of the translation. It is still untested, but complete. Users who wish to experience the first release are encouraged to report any bugs, errors in flow, strange speech etc. at the NMA Thread.
This release also includes a second file, patch002.dat, which includes the translations for the Dayglow DLC.
Based On
- Fallout: Sonora 1.14 and Dayglow DLC 1.14
What’s New
- fixed Leviah to Levi
- Many, many small updates thanks to OnlyALad
- San Isidro to San Ysidro
- The Dayglow to ‘Dayglow’
- Long Haulers to Far Go Traders
- Seth to Set
- Nightkin dumbed down a tab
- standardized Albert De Santi name
- standardized flare rounds to ‘flares’ ‘modified flares’ and ‘reinforced flares’
- tin can to Tinsmith, except when PC is addressed while wearing Power Armor
- Badges and tokens fixed to ‘dog tags’
- Some chems references switched to drugs
- Power screwdriver to Atomic Cutter
- Laser weapon to Laster Emitter (hand made one from Garage City)
- Emitter to ‘Radiator Gun’
- Manhole in sewer hallway to ‘Sewer Hatch’
- various fixes to items in pro_scen, thanks to OnlyALad
- ‘Don’t even think about’ references diversified to more natural lines
- ‘Treepass’ on half of Garage City and most of Inferno
- fire bombs to molotov cocktails
- Alice to Elisa
- Gart to Garth
- Centipede weapon description made more accurate
- Vreya to Vree
- some air spears to pneumatic spears
- fixed Puerto level names numbering to fix error message
- Fixed some pro_crit messages - thanks OnlyALad
- numerous/various fixes from Fic_Mon
Bug Fixes
- None yet.
Initial Pre-Release
Version 0.997
This is the first pre-release of the translation. It is still untested, but complete. Users who wish to experience the first release are encouraged to report any bugs, errors in flow, strange speech etc. at the NMA Thread.
This release also includes a second file, patch002.dat, which includes the translations for the Dayglow DLC.
Based On
- Fallout: Sonora 1.14 and Dayglow DLC 1.14
What’s New
- changed all location label graphics to correct font, standarized size (like Fallout 1)
- several small fixes thanks to OnlyALad
- Major fixes to 13 Perks thanks to Gusterballs1983: Scrounder’s Sense, Computer Whiz, Biker, Forgotten Hero, Eternal Wanderer (post game play), Wanderer’s Intuition, Wasteland Lessons, Math Logic, Block Strick, Hollywood karma, Intimidation, Pack Rat (description only), Alcohol Boots and Reduces (4), Purification, and Radiation Harms
- Small fixes to Editor.msg including restoration of ‘drugs’,’addiction’‘addicted’ etc.
- Chems references converted to drugs, except where originally chems
- Some map names changed, Worldmap location of ‘Platform’ changed to ‘El Faro Pier’
- Small fixes to pro-item.msg fixing numerous items some thanks to OnlyALad and play-through
- Numerous small fixes to pro_scen.msg from play-through
- Coupier changed to Dealer or Card Dealer
- ‘Flyers’ changed to ‘Floaters’, dialogues around them improved slightly to lead to this renaming.
- San Felipe and El Faro Pier dialogues all fixed through play-through and script reference
- ‘Fishing Club’ in El Faro Pier changed to bar or ‘Old Lighthouse’
- Thelma’s dialogue around ‘dad’ improved
- Several encoutner dialogues improved ‘Gold!’ ‘Henry Beamis’
- Big update for Hermosillo, including adding Espanol perk dialogue paths for all NPCs, and tweaking all English paths to broken/partially broken English
- Changed fonts to original Fallout 2 fonts, to add back Spanish characters
- extensive fixes to ‘powerplant spy’ quest in Phoenix, affecting numerous dialogues.
- Small fixes to numerous Two-Sun NPCs after play-through
- small fixes to Chris’ interactions/quest thanks to OnlyALad
- made primitive fishermen use mix of English and Yaqui Rather than cave-man talk
- fixed Block scripts language (feedback for destroying fence etc)
- fixed Highwaymen title (for becoming a highwayman)
Bug Fixes
- None yet.
Initial Pre-Release
Version 0.996
This is the first pre-release of the translation. It is still untested, but complete. Users who wish to experience the first release are encouraged to report any bugs, errors in flow, strange speech etc. at the NMA Thread.
This release also includes a second file, patch002.dat, which includes the translations for the Dayglow DLC.
Based On
- Fallout: Sonora 1.14 and Dayglow DLC 1.14
What’s New
- removed references to ‘change the topic’, replaced with Fallout 1 lines
- removed references to ‘on your mind’ replaced with Fallout 1 style lines
- tidied up computer interface dialogues
- renamed some videos
- renamed Casa Grande hacienda to mansion
- renamed (restored) 10mm SFB to NSP - original intent of authors
- renamed commandant to sheriff
- fixed some naming of ‘order’ to Brotherhood or ‘church’
- added dialogue lines for GC brahmin quest to respond to ‘buying’ the brahmin
- All Casa Nueva dialogues and quests modified by following dialogue trees
- Fixed Flower Child perk to ‘Rehabilitation’
- Quarry changed to concrete plant for consistency
- Micro Fusion Cell entries corrected, all Small Energy Cell references removed
- Generator Fusion Cell renamed
- All battery entries for all three types synchronized through scripts for accurate reference
- All Two-Sun dialogues and quests modified by following dialogue trees
- Tinsmiths given more consistent ‘cyborg’ language
- Sporonos renamed to sporebearer
- fixed energy weapon ammo use
- renamed Reinforced Cattle Prod
Bug Fixes
- None yet.
Initial Pre-Release
Version 0.995
This is the first pre-release of the translation. It is still untested, but complete. Users who wish to experience the first release are encouraged to report any bugs, errors in flow, strange speech etc. at the NMA Thread.
This release also includes a second file, patch002.dat, which includes the translations for the Dayglow DLC.
Based On
- Fallout: Sonora 1.14 and Dayglow DLC 1.14
What’s New
- modified ZcImgrnt, DCCtznE, NCHimadr, NCMer, HCPost, HCSolder, HSComp, ACCtzCav, CCBosGrd, CCNina, CCNinb, AFTinTan, and EncMexSC script files to standardize Spanish_trait handling.
- modified the matching dialogue files to bring standardized Spanish_trait handling (double angular quotes for Spanish) multiple files required additional lines
- Fixed DCCtzn and NCHimadr scripts, as they were broken/unfinished at several points
- Fixed stray Fame/Glory entries to Karma
Bug Fixes
- None yet.
Initial Pre-Release
Version 0.994
This is the first pre-release of the translation. It is still untested, but complete. Users who wish to experience the first release are encouraged to report any bugs, errors in flow, strange speech etc. at the NMA Thread.
This release also includes a second file, patch002.dat, which includes the translations for the Dayglow DLC.
Based On
- Fallout: Sonora 1.14 and Dayglow DLC 1.14
What’s New
- fixed many stilted uses of you are to you’re
- fixed some pro_scene descriptions that were missing articles
- numerous fixes to multiple Casa Grande NPCs
- major fixes to Casa Grande boss
- numerous fixes to multiple Blue Shield NPCs
- major fixes to Blue Shield boss
- fixed some quotation and apostrophes that were garbled
- restored ‘attitude’ to ‘reaction’, based off script comments
- restored ‘glory’ to ‘karma’, to synch with fallout 1/2, graphics etc.
- fixed Jimador to Himador
- changed Casa Grande water station to ‘water pump’
- fixed an incorrect reference to the ‘Long Haulers’
- fixed a few incorrect ‘highwaymen’ references
- Finished complete pass on all Casa Grande NPCs and fixed all issues.
Bug Fixes
- None yet.
Initial Pre-Release
Version 0.993
This is the first pre-release of the translation. It is still untested, but complete. Users who wish to experience the first release are encouraged to report any bugs, errors in flow, strange speech etc. at the NMA Thread.
This release also includes a second file, patch002.dat, which includes the translations for the Dayglow DLC.
Based On
- Fallout: Sonora 1.14 and Dayglow DLC 1.14
What’s New
- removed (female) from several lines of dialogue
- fixed mobile fortress encoutner (Fallout_Boy)
- slight fix to Padre encounter (Fallout_Boy)
- added floating lines for hostile scavengers in Garage
- All pipboy entries reformatted
- Some Info.msg lines improved
- fixed use of ‘surely’ everywhere to suitable terms
- Jackal Burrows to ‘Dens’
- Fixes to ‘Survey’ quest at the Ranger Radio Station
- Multiple fixes to all Jackal PC dialogue
Bug Fixes
- None yet.
Initial Pre-Release
Version 0.992
This is the first pre-release of the translation. It is still untested, but complete. Users who wish to experience the first release are encouraged to report any bugs, errors in flow, strange speech etc. at the NMA Thread.
This release also includes a second file, patch002.dat, which includes the translations for the Dayglow DLC.
Based On
- Fallout: Sonora 1.14 and Dayglow DLC 1.14
What’s New
- replaced all PC’s farewells with ‘goodbye’
- nearly all robber instances changed to bandits
- replaced many instances of ‘bandit’ with ‘raider’ or ‘highwaymen’ for wasteland locations, and ‘gangster’, ‘criminal’, or ‘mugger’ for city locations
- replaced ‘shelter’ with ‘vault’ in several locations
- Phoenix Master corrected to Lord of Phoenix
- Multiple fixes to Map names
- Mysterious Mansion changed to church
- Multiple fixes to all Platform NPCs
- Some fixes to Rangers NPCs
- Fixes to map quest
- Fixes to naming around Blueshields quests
- Changed worldmap ‘Raiders’ to ‘Highwaymen’
- Fixed some naming around Phoenix fire whorshipper quests
- Numerous small fixes in numerous locations
Bug Fixes
- None yet.
Initial Pre-Release
Version 0.991
This is the first pre-release of the translation. It is still untested, but complete. Users who wish to experience the first release are encouraged to report any bugs, errors in flow, strange speech etc. at the NMA Thread.
This release also includes a second file, patch002.dat, which includes the translations for the Dayglow DLC.
Based On
- Fallout: Sonora 1.14 and Dayglow DLC 1.14
What’s New
- removed some stray references to the ‘Creator’ and replaced with ‘Master’
- fixed some missing names/lines (Fallout_Boy)
- renamed Pile/Heap/Kucha to ‘Gomer’ (Fallout_Boy)
- stray ‘shadows’ references corrected to ‘Nightkin’
- some corrections to repeated text (token of gratitude etc.) (Fallout_Boy)
- fixes to location names
- Slight tweaking to pipboy messages layout
- some item and group naming/description fixes (Perry)(Fallout_Boy)
- consolidated Los Panchos boss names (Fallout_Boy)
- attempted to improve clarity between Blue Shields and highwaymen (may need work still)
- fixes to ‘Platform’ area dialogues
- fixed some male references to be ‘neutral’ to account for female models
- fixes to Casa Grande area dialogues
- fixes to Kogan and Lucas and Garage City dialogues (Perry)
- stray ‘tinkerers’ references changed to ‘Tinsmiths’
- fixed some incorrect references to ‘road armor’
- fixes to Ranger Agatha, cadet Presley and Ranger general and other Ranger dialogues
- fixes to robot grandpa (Fallout_boy)
Bug Fixes
- None yet.
Initial Pre-Release
Version 0.99
This is the first pre-release of the translation. It is still untested, but complete. Users who wish to experience the first release are encouraged to report any bugs, errors in flow, strange speech etc. at the NMA Thread.
This release also includes a second file, patch002.dat, which includes the translations for the Dayglow DLC.
Based On
- Fallout: Sonora 1.14 and Dayglow DLC 1.14
What’s New
- tweaked Rangers immigrant dialogue to handle quest stages better
- Fixed Ranger radio/spy quest to make the logic correct for accessing dialogue options
- Fixed leftover references to ‘Daylight’ … fixed to ‘Dayglow’
- Fixed Ranger Radio messages and Radio interface language
- Multiple small fixes to Rangers area
- Renamed several Ranger maps
- Changed rippers to ‘reavers’
- Added various fixes to Rangers areas, thanks to Perry
- Added some item and scene message fixes thanks to Perry
- Fixed Kil to Keel, was misnamed in scrname.msg
- Made multiple fixes to multiple files to clarify use of ghouls, demons, and reavers. Added exposition to clarify the connections between these terms.
- Fixes to Santa Ana thanks to Fallout_Boy
- Various dialogue fixes thanks to Fallout_Boy
- renamed mutafruit to mutfruit
- Fixed Diana
- Replaced reconnaissance with ‘scouting’ in most cases
Bug Fixes
- None yet.
Initial Pre-Release
Version 0.98
This is the first pre-release of the translation. It is still untested, but complete. Users who wish to experience the first release are encouraged to report any bugs, errors in flow, strange speech etc. at the NMA Thread.
This release also includes a second file, patch002.dat, which includes the translations for the Dayglow DLC.
Based On
- Fallout: Sonora 1.14 and Dayglow DLC 1.14
What’s New
- fixed Henry the Quartermaster
- fixed ‘networks’ to ‘nets’ in a few dialogues.
- fixed pathologies to symptoms
- Casa Nueva references switched to ‘town’ form ‘city’
- numerous fixes to Wang Chong
- Fixes to Senor Alvaro and Lo (Fallout_Boy)
- numerous large fixes to Rangers Base NPCs (more to come)
- removed em dash from Dayglow dialogues
- fixed doubled dialogue for Lord of Phoenix (Foxx)
- replaced campesino with peasant
- fixes to Officer Bell
- fixed a few curled apostrophes
Bug Fixes
- None yet.
Initial Pre-Release
Version 0.97
This is the first pre-release of the translation. It is still untested, but complete. Users who wish to experience the first release are encouraged to report any bugs, errors in flow, strange speech etc. at the NMA Thread.
This release also includes a second file, patch002.dat, which includes the translations for the Dayglow DLC.
Based On
- Fallout: Sonora 1.14 and Dayglow DLC 1.14
What’s New
- fixes to some character and object labels
- fixes to missnamed graphics mostly for Companion control
- renamed all stagecoach instances to caravan
Bug Fixes
- None yet.
Initial Pre-Release
Version 0.96
This is the first pre-release of the translation. It is still untested, but complete. Users who wish to experience the first release are encouraged to report any bugs, errors in flow, strange speech etc. at the NMA Thread.
This release also includes a second file, patch002.dat, which includes the translations for the Dayglow DLC.
Based On
- Fallout: Sonora 1.14 and Dayglow DLC 1.14
What’s New
- added ‘skags’ as a swear word
- fixed some item descriptions (Perry and myself)
- fixed some name references -Granny, Geronimo, and tribal child (Perry and myself)
- fixed naming of ‘burst’ graphic (was missing a period)
- small fixes in San Brahmin and Flagstaff
- numerous fixes in Garage City (Perry)
- fixes to Phoenix postal quests
- fixed cult ‘novice’ references to Acolyte. Novice still used with brotherhood.
- numerous small fixes in Phoenix cathedral mini-quests
- fixes to Granny Adonsia (Perry)
- fix to Levi dialogue in Inferno - missing a bracket
- Perk fix…several perks misnumbered.
Bug Fixes
- None yet.
Initial Pre-Release
Version 0.95
This is the first pre-release of the translation. It is still untested, but complete. Users who wish to experience the first release are encouraged to report any bugs, errors in flow, strange speech etc. at the NMA Thread.
This release also includes a second file, patch002.dat, which includes the translations for the Dayglow DLC.
Based On
- Fallout: Sonora 1.14 and Dayglow DLC 1.14
What’s New
- Fixes to 2 dialogues in Garage City based off feedback (Perry)
- Numerous fixes to Geronimo, to improve his ‘herder’ dialect
- Fixes to location names in Dayglow
- Fixed skills names Barter, Sneak, Outdoorsman, Lockpick, Small Guns, Big Guns, and Unarmed
- Fixed references to firewater, tequila and moonshine. Mostly tequila now
- Made all San Brahmin have more ‘Indian/savage’ dialect
- Small/Medium fixes to all major characters in San Brahmin
- Added naming and categories to CombatAI.msg for future improvements
Bug Fixes
- None yet.
Initial Pre-Release
Version 0.94
This is the first pre-release of the translation. It is still untested, but complete. Users who wish to experience the first release are encouraged to report any bugs, errors in flow, strange speech etc. at the NMA Thread.
This release also includes a second file, patch002.dat, which includes the translations for the Dayglow DLC.
Based On
- Fallout: Sonora 1.14 and Dayglow DLC 1.14
What’s New
- fixed wrong quotations marks which came out garbled
- changed most PC ‘Thank You’ responses to ‘Thanks’
- Added more use of ‘gotta’ for PC
- fixed (hopefully) incorrect formatting in pipboy.msg (text too long)
- Made all cases of ‘tinsmiths’ into proper noun, ‘Tinsmiths’
- Small fixes to Geronimo and Genaro
- Changed ‘Garbage Men’ of Garage City to ‘Scavengers’
- Fixes to Kogan based off feedback
- Fixes to Eugene and Pa based off feedback
- Lots of Fixes to Lord of Phoenix
- Fixes to flow of Cardinals quests
Bug Fixes
- None yet.
Initial Pre-Release
Version 0.93
This is the first pre-release of the translation. It is still untested, but complete. Users who wish to experience the first release are encouraged to report any bugs, errors in flow, strange speech etc. at the NMA Thread.
This release also includes a second file, patch002.dat, which includes the translations for the Dayglow DLC.
Based On
- Fallout: Sonora 1.14 and Dayglow DLC 1.14
What’s New
- fixed all ‘nightkin’ to proper noun, ‘Nightkin’
- fixed all Casa-Nueva to Casa Neuva
- made all brahmin references lower case, except the ‘holy’ versions
- fixed all ‘Herman Henaro Cipriano Gomez Valdes-y-Castillo’ references
- changed Phoenix power station references to power plant for consistency
- slightly fixed a couple of power plant operator dialogues
- changed ‘Atomics’ gang to ‘Power Plant Ghouls’ and reduced their ‘gang’ references
- slight fixes to casino cashier
- numerous fixes to crazy adept at gates of Phoenix
- numerous fixes to Lloyd in Phoenix
- slight fixes to mercenary at Phoenix entrance
- numerous fixes to Sonora Express clerk
- important fix to Red Cardinal boss, to smooth over quest transition
- slight fixes to NPCs in Arena area in Phoenix
- Phoenix Lord changed to Lord of Phoenix in most situations.
Bug Fixes
- None yet.
Initial Pre-Release
Version 0.92
This is the first pre-release of the translation. It is still untested, but complete. Users who wish to experience the first release are encouraged to report any bugs, errors in flow, strange speech etc. at the NMA Thread.
This release also includes a second file, patch002.dat, which includes the translations for the Dayglow DLC.
Based On
- Fallout: Sonora 1.14 and Dayglow DLC 1.14
What’s New
- Fixed an ‘Invaders’ reference to Raider
- Fixed the Barman in Flagstaffs responses
- Fixed the Randy and the Raiders dialogues in Flagstaff
- Fixed the Drugdealer in Phoenix’s dialouge
- Fixed Lloyd in Phoenix, making him a little more ‘street’
- Fixed a GECK reference
Bug Fixes
- None yet.
Initial Pre-Release
Version 0.91
This is the first pre-release of the translation. It is still untested, but complete. Users who wish to experience the first release are encouraged to report any bugs, errors in flow, strange speech etc. at the NMA Thread.
This release also includes a second file, patch002.dat, which includes the translations for the Dayglow DLC.
Based On
- Fallout: Sonora 1.14 and Dayglow DLC 1.14
What’s New
- Added patch002.dat for Dayglow DLC
- Fixes for Dayglow naming
- Changed black prospector to rogue scavenger
- Aligned all zombie references to ghouls, except in Vault 27
- Aligned all San-Brahmin to San Brahmin
- Fixed a few battery reference to Fuel cell
- Made several characters (caravaners) say ya’ and yer’ more often
- Changed ‘nuclear scientists’ to ‘power plant operators’
- Fixed several stray ‘tinker’ references to Tinsmiths.
- Many small dialogue specific fixes in numerous locations.
- consolidated signal flares etc. to ‘flares’ or ‘flare rounds’
- removed all instances of cartridge, replaced with rounds or bullets, like Fallout 1
- removed … characters, as it appeared garbled
- improved dialogues of Phoenix market sellers
Bug Fixes
- None yet.
Initial Release
Version 0.9
This is the first release of the translation. It is still untested, but complete. Users who wish to experience the first release are encouraged to report any bugs, errors in flow, strange speech etc. at the NMA Thread.
Based On
- Fallout: Sonora 1.14
What’s New
- First release.
Bug Fixes
- None yet.