
Download and Install Instructions for Fallout: Sonora, and the Fallout: Sonora Dayglow DLC in English, for Fallout 2 CE.

Click the icons below to download the pre-release translations for Fallout: Sonora or the Sonora Dayglow DLC. The translations are in .dat files, which can be installed by following the ‘Install Instructions’ below.

Initial Pre-Releases

Install Instructions for Sonora

Version 0.999

  1. Download and install Fallout Sonora
  2. Download Fallout 2 CE and put it in the install directory of Fallout Sonora, created above
  3. Download the .dat file named patch001.dat and put it in the install directory of Fallout Sonora
  4. Change the language setting of the fallout2.cfg file to ‘english’
  5. Click on ‘Fallout II Community Edition’ to play the game!

Install Instructions for Sonora + Dayglow DLC

Version 0.999

  1. Download and install Fallout Sonora
  2. Download and unpack Dayglow DLC into the install directory of Fallout Sonora, created above
  3. Rename patchDLC.dat to patch000.dat
  4. Download Fallout 2 CE and put it in the install directory of Fallout Sonora
  5. Download the .dat files named patch001.dat and patch002.dat and put them in the install directory of Fallout Sonora
  6. Change the language setting of the fallout2.cfg file to ‘english’
  7. Click on ‘Fallout II Community Edition’ to play the game!