
Development Blog

This project aims to modify the original DOS Quest of the Avatar to add additional content, via quests, locations, and features.



I have created some Quest of the Avatar related resources that may be of interest to others, so maybe I will start gathering them here for others to use, if they are of any use.


Quest Box Back


Main PC (required for DOS graphics work) is disassembled right now, so taking a break from coding/dungeon stuff to finish up something I started a long while back. It was a tedious task so I had held off on it, but it is done now.


Dungeon Graphics


The Graphics engine looks like it’s a GO. So I have been working through various iterations of the Dungeon, Mine and Cave graphics.


Graphics Engine


Balance testing is a real slog. Nothing creative to be done. Just playthrough again and again. Things are looking good though, and gameplay seems ‘better’ than I remember it in vanilla. Magic still needs some work though, as a path using spellcasting rather than weapons seems expensive. In the meantime I took a break and attempted to make a new graphics engine.


Some Feature Fixes


Whew. Gasp. So much work done. The Quest Journal took a loooooooong time. It perhaps did not help that it went through 3 completely different art directions, with one being scrapped 1/2 way through. However, in the end, the final version satisfies me, and I think will be aesthetically pleasing to others. In General. A playthrough is also happening, and that has been turning up a few more tiny ‘bugs’ (barely bugs) but more importantly, things the play testers would like changed.
