To the zero or 2 people who visit this ‘blog’, I have a major update on progress. I have decided to remove ‘oracles’. Now, not having really revealed what the oracles were, who is going to miss them? Nevertheless I did have some images and comments referencing them. I will expand upon that a bit now, since it won’t hurt, as they are gone.
The oracles were going to be extensions of the Gargoyles ‘religion’ into Britannia. Specifically, they were going to be looking for items/artifacts related to the triad (Mondain, Minax, Exodus) in order to ‘bind’ them to shrines in their world. Shrines of Diligence, Passion and Control respectively. The avatar was going to be drawn into that mission, with unforeseen, and ambiguous, results.
But, they are gone now. Removing them simplifies the mod, and makes it, nearly, …done. Coding is nearly all done, and all that remains aside from that is final dialogues to attach to the quests.
The removal of the Oracles also frees up a HUGE amount of code. I have been struggling with a lack of code space for some time. In some ways it was good, as it required me to find ways to be more efficient with my coding. However, it did limit a lot of stuff. Now I have enough code space to polish off some features, and even add new ones.
Like this one: Ultima V style (kindof) reagent mixing! That is now in, for better or for worse.
Mixing 34 reagents...
Subtracting reagents...
34 more Cure spells!
Originally I was loath to fiddle with the default features, but this is a mod, not just an add-on. Mods fiddle with default features, so I think it will be okay. Maybe it takes away from the ‘original’ feel though? A mod would do that too, so…