It has been a little while since my last update. Maybe the quietest period since I started. And for good reason, as not much was happening. Last I posted I had started work on the final aspect of the project, the ‘Quest Journal’. I had some layout going on and had some potential art directions beginning. However, since then I scrapped my original art direction, started another style, nearly finished it, then realised it just doesn’t fit, and scrapped it too. After that I have been awaiting some inspiration.
Several months later I have found some inspiration, and am working on the art for the journal again. It is leaning less towards art, and a little more towards typography. A little. I am not solid on it yet, but I am carrying forward. We will see how that goes.
The rest of the project is done. Nothing has been going on codewise or bughunting wise, as it is done. It is all (nearly) frozen. I did build an install program which can be run from a floppy (3.5”), and I did add travelling NPCs to towns (which was already in the code), and variations on ‘Inn’ encounters (which was already in the code as well), to take into account inns which are in the wilderness etc.
Other than those above things not much else has been happening elsewhere.
I will continue on with the Quest Journal. Samples or Screenshots? Not at this time. I will say it leans a little towards the cover of the ‘Spell Book’ and the ‘History of Britannia’s’ cover borders. So simple. I felt in the end that page after page of lavishly illustrated borders for a glorified notebook, just didn’t sit right.
I will add a screenshot of a new ‘Inn’ encounter though. Just to add some color to this post.
An Encounter in an Inn
PS - I forgot to mention that I turned off commenting a few weeks back, as the spam was getting to be too much. I am going to turn it back on now, but it may only be for a short time, as my comment provider is dropping their free bracket, and implimenting a new comment system is no easy task.