Anyone out there want feelies? Because I feel like making some.
Things are nearly done, bug hunting and testing is just a process of polishing now. I have to start thinking about a release. However…I am really not so keen to just release it digitally. It just has no worth for me. The feelies, the box, the map, the books, my own binder full of notes, clues and charts, was what made Ultima IV special. It was real.
So, I would kind of prefer to make Threat of the Trinity real too. That means a box, map, booklet, trinket etc.
Can I do that? Well, likely not. But I think I should at least take a stab at it. I put a huge amount of time, sweat and tears into this project already. I have been reaching out over the past year to artists, map makers etc., to see if I could commission some awesome high quality work, and at first there were no takers. But now there are some, and a possibility of moving forward with feelies has presented itself.
There will be a cost associated with these things, if I manage to make them. Printing, manufactuing etc. I don’t think I can just afford to fund this myself, though…I may. But first I thought I should check, whether anyone else out there is interested in feelies? How much would they cost? No solid idea yet, but of course more interested parties means cheaper production costs. So I think I should check on that before I blow 3000$ of my own money to make 10 copies.
Here is a little teaser of the direction of things thus far:
Just a teaser, and by no means a quarantee of anything, or a final form. However, several items in the teaser are done, and settled. They won’t stray too much from what you see here.
So, yeah, about that cost.
I will need to know if it is possible to fund this. So, to that end, I need to know if anyone is interested in this. Interested in shelling out some bucks for a box and some feelies.
I don’t have too much confidence in there being a lot of people interested. I know there must be a couple. But enough to fund a full run of feelies…not so sure. We’ll see I guess.
If you are interested in a ‘feelies’ release, you can subscribe to my email list right below. I will use the list to reach out to interested parties, if I proceed with feelies, and let you know when or if a ‘kickstarter’ or equivalent campaign will begin.