With a last herculaen effort, I have managed to finish everything. I even found time to add in two features that I had planned to cut, namely expanded conversations and random encounters (though they have been included in a reduced scope only).
All the coding is done, all the content is done, all testing setups are off, and everyting is in its final form.
So, it is a real Beta now. That means that next comes testing. Then debugging. Testing, debugging, testing, debugging etc. How long will that take? Hahahah.
I do not plan to make any incremental releases. No Beta versions. So I will need to spend time testing everything, to make sure I have a real final, polished, working game.
After that, release! And what form will that take. Hmm…I’m mulling a mail order release. Keep it old school. 1980s tech. Floppy disks. Hahaha.
Whatever the form it takes, whether a download, mail-order, or family only release, it will be released within this year, as a celebration of the 35th anniversary of the original Ultima IV.
35 years! Yay! Ceeeeleeebrate
There will be two more announcements to come shortly, so stay tuned!
I just realised that I published this announcement and the tribute to the 35th anniversary of Ultima IV, on the exact day of its release 35 years ago! I had no idea that this was the exact day of release. Weird.