
First Post

Jul 07, 2018

Trying out Jekyll, and saying hello world

Here is a first little test article. Just trying out this theme’s features. Tweaking them a bit to fit my liking. I’m not sure about ‘blogging’ for this ‘mod’, but it might be fun just to air out the trials and travails I go through. Likely no one will ever take note, but it could still be fun. I got to learn how to use Jekyll a bit too, which has been neat. Github too.

Here is a bit of code, with some ‘highlighting’ courtesy of …er…jekyll’s built in highlighter…

AskLetter(bp08, bp06, bp04)
char *bp08;
char bp06;
char bp04;
	register int si;

	si = -1;
	do {
		if(si != -1)
		si = u_kbread();
		if(si == KBD_ENTER || si == KBD_ESC || si == KBD_SPACE) {
			if(si == KBD_ENTER || si == KBD_SPACE)
				si = -1;
				si = -2;
            if(bp08 != 0)
		si &= 0xff;
        /*pulled this conditional from Askletter2...not original behaviour, but better?*/
		if((si > ' ' && si < 0x7f) && (bp06 <= si && si <= bp04))
            if(bp08 != 0)
        if(bp06 <= si && si <= bp04)
	} while(si >= 0);

	return si;

It is a piece of code, the first one actually, where I changed the default behavior of the game. To make a certain artifact work right, I needed to tweak this code. The in game behavior, for displaying pressed key’s is now slightly different. Very slightly. I am not exactly pleased that I had to do it, and I may restore the original functionality, but I have done it this way to save on memory.


Tesing Dude

A First Level Header

A Second Level Header

Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. This is just a regular paragraph.

The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog’s back.

Header 3

This is a blockquote.

This is the second paragraph in the blockquote.

This is an H2 in a blockquote

Does Markdown work?

Staticman Lab

Yes, they work, but I discourage hot-linking. Stability of external URL aside, that’s consuming bandwidth from other servers for displaying contents on your own site. A workaround is to manually replace the external URL with an internal one in the comment.

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